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Saturday, December 26, 2015

Ceramic photo , customize the interior of an original

Photoceramics: customize tiles with digital technologyAs you can tell by its name, photoceramics comes down to print images on a ceramic support. Here are treated with conventional tiles used in the various rooms of the house for flooring or walls, and are adorned with digital quality images. Thank you for this ingenious discovery, individuals can customize their home according to their desires and tastes.The benefits of photoceramics are many, starting with the fact that the creations are unalterable and easy to maintain. In addition, the result is original and unique while being of the highest quality. The colors chosen that the reasons go well with the dominant conception, or better, create an atmosphere alone is larger than life in the bedroom. Currently, it is possible to order drawings trompe l'oeil to create an optical illusion.

Photo ceramics, of infinite possibilities
Whether you choose to customize the tiles of his bathroom or the kitchen, the possibilities are endless as to the choice of patterns and colors. Customer requirements are generally met by the designers. Thus, nature lovers are most filled with charming flower beds, magnificent waterfalls, vegetation in abundance and variety of breathtaking landscapes.
The most modern minds will, in turn, seduced by the representation of the City of New York and various monuments well defined. Aside from the image bank on which it is based, the team of graphic designers and ceramists works to order, through projects from photographs made by the customer, provided that they are of excellent quality. Accomplishments are usually in the form of frescoes, but can also cover a section of wall, the size of the work being defined by the customer.

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Item Reviewed: Ceramic photo , customize the interior of an original Rating: 5 Reviewed By: hanido